Elevate the art of play calling and game planning with real-time opponent 

tendencies and self-scout

  • Dynamic Play Calling Using In-Game  Results
  • Identify Opponent Situational Patterns
  • Make Immediate Adjustments

< script src="https://assets.calendly.com/assets/external/widget.js" type="text/javascript" async>

Gain a play calling edge

With 5-15 seconds between plays, Modern Football Technology is the only platform that keeps up with the speed of the game to give you a play calling advantage

  • Single-Word
  • WB#
  • Full Play Entry
  • Personnel and Formation YPP & EFF
  • Run & Pass Concept Success


Modern Football completely eliminates film breakdown process saving you 8-10 hours per week of manual play tagging work in Hudl, DVS, and XOS.

  • 1-click export into XOS, DV Sport, & Hudl
  • No internet connectivity needed
  • Easy to set up, easy to use

We build winners. period

MFT's platform is a game-changer. Their real-time, in-gameanalytics gives you valuable insight into your opponent's offensive anddefensive tendencies, giving you a huge competitive edge.

Matt Adolph

Defensive Analyst

University of Michigan

Over an entire week, the MFT platform eliminates 8-10 hoursof manual input, which is pretty incredible! We are a big believer in it. MFThas been awesome, and the support we've had from them is unreal.


A.J. Antonescu

Offensive Line

Lake Travis HS

Modern Football has built a platform that gets us into filmimmediately after practice and prepares us for how technology will be used inthe future.


Matt Fox

Director of Technology

Cal Football