This course is comprised of 8 core sections.
(Each core module is followed by a live-recorded lesson to review subject material with video examples)
The 120 page workbook follows each module and lesson step by step.
Live Lessons will be conducted online via Riverside. Quarterbacks will be provided a link to join the virtual class.
Live Lesson Schedule:
Live Session #1: Jan. 7th 4:00pm CST Pass Protections & Hot’s to beat the 5 Front & Blitz families of defense.
Live Session #2: Jan. 9th 4:00pm CST Using the 1 cap / 2 cap, Mike Push & Trap tool to win RPO concepts.
Live Session #3: Jan. 14th 4:00pm CST Using the C.A.P. language & vision strategies to accelerate anticipation.
Live Session #4: Jan. 16th 4:00pm CST Virtual Training with Rhythm, Read, Rush and Release Route Families
Live Session #5: Jan. 21st 4:00pm CST Incorporating the 5 Drop and Gap Escape Families to maximize the R4 Timeline.
Live Session #6: Jan. 23rd 4:00pm CST Implementing R4 scan strategies to find the best route on any pass play.
Live Session #7: Jan. 28th 4:00pm CST Mastering the most common pass plays in football using the R4 system.
Live Session #8: Jan. 30th 4:00pm CST How to use the R4 system to watch film and study an opponent to win on game day.